To run this CD-ROM, the following hardware and software are required:
• A Macintosh II, LC, Centris, Performa, Quadra, or PowerMac series computer
• 4 megabytes of free RAM, 8 recommended
• 5 megabytes free disk space
• 13 inch Color Monitor with 256 colors (Note: If your monitor setting exceeds
256 colors this CD-ROM will play slower because it will take longer for your
monitor to refresh itself.)
• System 7.0 or higher
• QuickTime 2.0 (supplied)
• Macintosh compatible mouse
• Hard Drive
• Keyboard
• 2x CD-ROM drive
To run this CD-ROM your computer must also contain the following files (supplied on the CD-ROM in the "OSS Extensions" folder for your convenience). Please read the Installation Instructions (below) to install these if necessary. Failure to install these extensions may result in poor video & audio performance.
• Apple QuickTime 2.0 or higher
• Apple QuickTime PowerPlug 2.0 or higher (PowerMac only)
• Apple Sound Manager 3.0 or higher
• Apple Multimedia Tuner 2.01 or higher
An installer - "Install OSS Extensions", is provided which places the needed extensions into your extensions folder and restarts your computer to enable the extensions. If older versions of the extensions exist the installer will replace them.
If you prefer to manually install the extensions they are also in the "OSS Extensions" folder. Make sure you restart your computer after adding the extensions to the Extension folder inside your System Folder icon.
Once all essential files are installed in your Extensions folder: